Re: Pb with a selected application
Re: Pb with a selected application
- Subject: Re: Pb with a selected application
- From: Jean-Michel <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 29 Mar 2001 11:05:59 +0200
Thank you for your help !
But it seams that this doesn't work neither
Here is some details of the script :
set the PhotoshopApp to choose file of type "APPL" with prompt "Please
choose a copy of Photoshop :" as text
set the PScript to the text returned of the (display dialog "Please enter
the name of the sript to run :" default answer "Photoshop script")
tell application "PhotoshopApp"
open ThisImage
do script PScript
end tell
Here is what Apple script return on : do script PSscript
in frenglish ! : end of line attendu mais script trouvi... (end of line
waited but script find)
Thanks for your help !
De : Emmanuel <email@hidden>
Date : Wed, 28 Mar 2001 16:01:13 +0200
@ : Jean-Michel <email@hidden>,
Objet : Re: Pb with a selected application
set the PhotoshopApp to choose file of type "APPL" with prompt "Please
choose a copy of Photoshop :" as text