TexEdit script - a longshoot
TexEdit script - a longshoot
Hi all,
This is a longshoot, but I hope someone has a answer or a few hints.
I have scripted TexEdit before but I4m not what some call a "guru" at
Applescript. So before I ruin my sleep I hope someone have done this before.
My problem is that a server generates a lot of textfiles, these files will
be imported into Filemaker. The problem is that the files uses returns after
each sentence instead of a tab. This means that one textfile generates a lot
of records instead of only one then being imported into Filemaker.
So I want a script that changes the return to tab.
Any clues or hints?
Best regards
The content of the textfile to modify:
Payment Information
Payment Method: Purchase Order
Number: 001
Company: aaaaaaa
Billing Information
Name: aaaaaa
Shipping Information
Name: aaaaaaa
Product Information
Quantity: 1
Product ID: ad2 A4 GB.pdf
Name: ad2 A4 GB
Total Price: $50.00
Quantity: 1
Product ID: ad2 A4 GB.pdf
Name: ad2 A4 GB
Total Price: $50.00
Subtotal: $100.00
Tax: $0.00
Shipping: $0.00
Total: $100.00
References: | |
| >AS 1.6 (From: Robert Poland <email@hidden>) |