Re: A choose application question (and C'thulhu)
Re: A choose application question (and C'thulhu)
- Subject: Re: A choose application question (and C'thulhu)
- From: Paul Berkowitz <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 01:19:25 -0800
On 3/30/01 12:24 AM, "Serge Belleudy-d'Espinose" <email@hidden> wrote:
I use choose application in an app, and I would like to know if it's possible
to remember the app chosen between launches.
I've tried the straightforward
property xApp : choose application
and several variations, but it doesn't work.
property xAppFile : ""
if xAppFile = "" then
set xApp to choose application
set xAppFile to (path to xApp) as string
end if
tell application xAppFile to launch
You can then refer to it throughout as 'application xAppFile' or you can set
xApp to it.
'choose application' is supposed to allow the result to be 'as alias' or 'as
file' (AS 1.6) but it doesn't work: the result is always 'application
"Something"' as a running application. Saving that result as a property
errors if the application isn't running the next time you run your script.
Paul Berkowitz