Re: Default Folder (was Re: bugs, bugs, bugs)
Re: Default Folder (was Re: bugs, bugs, bugs)
- Subject: Re: Default Folder (was Re: bugs, bugs, bugs)
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Sat, 31 Mar 2001 23:16:32 EST
In a message dated 3/31/2001: email@hidden wrote
I just upgraded from Default Folder 3.07 to 3.1 (because it's *always*
a good idea to upgrade to the latest version of anything) last week and
noticed that little goody.
Having been a happy owner and user of Default Folder (
for several years, I wholeheartedly endorse it. It is a phenomenal time
save/frustration reducer, is actively supported, and works fine in the
Classic environment of OSX. I really miss the Default Folder control strip
module in OSX (heck, I miss the control strip period). I hope it gets updated
for OSX soon.
But have you been able to actually use the scripting addition? My experience
is that it works OK when the script is run from a script editor (Scripter
OMM) but not when its part as an applet. v3.1 might be a little better (I
only downloaded the demo yesterday), but I still get freezeups when I try to
connect to folders on or network.
Maybe I'm just using it incorrectly:
property theFolder : (path to desktop)
SetFileDialogFolder theFolder
set theFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select a subfolder")
display dialog (theFolder as string) & " is the new default folder." buttons
The second time you run it, the dialog should open in whatever directory you
selected the first time. But I get intermittent system freezes (OS 9.0.4)
Robert Kyle
Star Tribune