Fwd: Another FaceSpan question...
Fwd: Another FaceSpan question...
- Subject: Fwd: Another FaceSpan question...
- From: Roderick Scott Corporation <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 16:34:30 -0600
I sent this message earlier but it didn't seem to get through. If it
becomes a duplicate due to a delay in mail forwarding or whatever -
please accept my apologies in advance.
Date: Tue, 1 May 2001 10:40:57 -0600
To: email@hidden
From: Roderick Scott Corporation <email@hidden>
Subject: Another FaceSpan question...
Actually two questions.
First, I have found a bulletin board for FaceSpan on the DTI site
but not much activity is apparent. Is there another mailing list?
Second, I would like to call a handler in the Project Script from a
window in the same application. What do I call it. I've tried;
tell application "project name"
but get an error when trying to save the project. I've also tried to
get FaceSpan to cough-up the name but in the development environment
it only returns FaceSpan's name. I have tried the Tell Me statement
but obviously when the script is within a window, that window is the
Any thoughts?
Scott Sandeman-Allen
Roderick Scott Corporation
Edmonton, Alberta. Canada