Re: Auto Login to server using OS 9.1
Re: Auto Login to server using OS 9.1
- Subject: Re: Auto Login to server using OS 9.1
- From: Klaus Friedwagner <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 07:54:03 +0200
I am trying to automatically log into a server during startup, but with
keychain access in OS 9.1 this is nearly impossible without using guest access
to my server, something i don't want to do. Apple says this is possible to get
around using an applescript that fills in the username and password and presses
"OK". Does anyone have suggestions on how i would do this?
i was thinking of putting an alias to the server in my startup folder and
then have a script run to fill in the password and then click "ok."
or should the script itself find the server?
thanks for the help
Paul Fisher
Applications & Web Development
Hudsonville Public Schools
I think, this script should do, what you need.
This Script works well under 9.1
Under 9.04 ther following statement does not work:
get original item of this_alias
Can anyone tell me, why?
Friedwagner Klaus
Ooe Nachrichten
Medienaus J. Wimmer
4010 Linz
[demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type application/applefile which had a name of mount alias]