Re: Scope of globals, parents and children, "load script" and all that jazz
Re: Scope of globals, parents and children, "load script" and all that jazz
- Subject: Re: Scope of globals, parents and children, "load script" and all that jazz
- From: Arthur J Knapp <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 11:00:08 -0400
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 05:21:06 +0200
From: Sander Tekelenburg <email@hidden>
Subject: Scope of globals, parents and children, "load script" and all
that jazz
I'm trying to reorganize ... by separating it into a main script (parent)
and ... into a separate script library (child) that is called by the main
script with the "load script" command.
However, I ran into something that tells me I seem to have problems
understanding the scope/meaning of globals.
You and me and every AppleScripter that has ever lived... ;-)
... The original ('all-in-one') script uses a lot of globals (17).
... in order to get everything to work, I needed to do 2 things
1) declare those same globals again, at the top of the script
2) declare them yet again within each handler! (well, only those globals that
apply to that particluar handler)
I ran some experments, (Length warning):
-- file "ChildScript"
on UseIt()
return gVariable
end UseIt
on UseMy()
return (my gVariable)
end UseMy
on UseGlobal()
global gVariable
return gVariable
end UseGlobal
on run
set {byItself, asMy, asGlobal} to {0, 0, 0}
set byItself to gVariable
end try
set asMy to my gVariable
end try
global gVariable
set asGlobal to gVariable
end try
return {byItself, asMy, asGlobal}
end run
-- file "MainScript"
global gVariable
set gVariable to "Hello World"
property LoadedChild : load script ,
alias "Commander:Desktop Folder:temptemp:ChildScript"
script LocalChild
on UseIt()
return gVariable
end UseIt
on UseMy()
return (my gVariable)
end UseMy
on UseGlobal()
global gVariable
return gVariable
end UseGlobal
on run
set {byItself, asMy, asGlobal} to {0, 0, 0}
set byItself to gVariable
end try
set asMy to my gVariable
end try
global gVariable
set asGlobal to gVariable
end try
return {byItself, asMy, asGlobal}
end run
end script
run of LoadedChild
-- > { "Hello World" , 0 , "Hello World"}
-- byItself , asMy , asGlobal
* This tells us that the loaded script was able to
* refer to gVariable with no problem as a normal
* variable within it's run handler, as well as to
* explicitly refer to it as a global.
run of LocalChild
-- > {"Hello World", "Hello World", "Hello World"}
-- byItself , asMy , asGlobal
* The local script object can refer to the global
* at it's top-level in any way that it wants. The
* only difference between the top-level of a local
* script object and a loaded script object is with
* regards to the "my" or "of me" syntax. I assume
* this has something to do with the fact that the
* loaded script object is "initialized" with it's own
* "context", where as a local script object is
* initialized with access to the main script, and
* therefore it can "inherit" globals of the main
* script.
UseIt() of LoadedChild
-- > error "The variable gVariable is not defined."
UseIt() of LocalChild
-- > "Hello World"
* Within a handler, the loaded script object cannot
* simply refer to a global of the main script, while
* the local script object can.
UseMy() of LoadedChild
-- > error "Can't make some data into the expected type."
UseMy() of LocalChild
-- > "Hello World"
* When saying "my gVariable", or "gVariable of me", the
* loaded script object doesn't seem to consider the main
* script to which it now belongs to be a part of it's
* "inheritence" chain, where as the local child does seem
* to think of the main script as it's implicit parent, and
* therefore it "inherits" it's globals.
UseGlobal() of LoadedChild
UseGlobal() of LocalChild
-- > "Hello World"
* Both have no difficulties in using a global within
* a handler, once the variable has been explicitly
* declared as global.
(In the long run I will probably split the library up into several libraries.
And I would like to get rid of as many globals as I can. But for now I was
just trying if I could easily switch to this construction without having to
get rid of all globals just yet.)
I have recently been doing some work with script objects and their
advanced features, but I have mostly confined myself to working within
one script file. Ultimately, I would want to separate the various objects
into their own script files to make them more manageable. I wish that
the whole "scope" issue of AppleScript wasn't quite so complicated...
Arthur J. Knapp
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