Re: Altering IE homepage URL
Re: Altering IE homepage URL
- Subject: Re: Altering IE homepage URL
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 17:51:58 EST
In a message dated 11/2/01 6:40:01 AM, email@hidden writes:
<< >The homepage URL seems trickier - - I haven't found anything yet that
that URL via AppleScript.
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
on my machine (MacOS 9.2, IE 5.0) the user defined homepage is not
stored in Explorer's own preferences, but in the preferences file of
the Internet Control Panel, which is
--(((path to preferences folder) as string) & "internet preferences") as alias
set prefFolder to path to preferences
tell application "Finder" --one line
set iPrefFile to first file of prefFolder whose (creator type
is "ICAp" and file type is "ICAp")--one line
end tell
which may be more reliable on international systems, although the
String "internet preferences" doesn't seem to be localized.
The Homepage URL is stored in ICRQ resource 6286. Which probably
isn't really good news for you, because you can't modify resources
with plain vanilla AppleScript. While there are scripting additions
providing resource modification commands, you can't expect them to be
installed on your user's machines. I once heard about a way to embed
Scripting additions into a script application, but I don't know the
details of this technique. If you manage to go that way, you might be
able to produce a stand alone script modifying the preferences file's
Sorry I can't be of more help.
Frank Watzl
How about in OS X? Is this still the same technique you're describing, or is
there some other file I should look out for?
- Rob