Re: Number of days since 1/1/0001
Re: Number of days since 1/1/0001
- Subject: Re: Number of days since 1/1/0001
- From: Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
- Date: Sat, 24 Nov 2001 12:39:12 +0000
ehsan saffari wrote on Fri, 23 Nov 2001 16:54:33 -0600:
Given any date, I need to figure out the number of days that have passed
since January 1, 0001, (730811 days for 23/11/2001)
This should be easy with a simple date subtraction but AS simply refuses
to accept a date with a year less than 1000.
Several people have already given goo replies to this. The AppleScript
Language Guide says: "More recent date and time utilities use a 64-bit
signed value that can represent dates from 30081 B.C. to 29940 A.D.
However, AppleScript currently will not handle dates before 1/1/1000 or
after 12/31/9999." (For non-US readers, that's 31st December 9999.)
The change from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar was to correct it in
the light of an improved understanding of the length of the solar year.
The calendar can therefore be assumed to be correct, even though older
dates were probably called something else at the time.
If you want the number of days from "1/1/1" to a date that can be
represented in AppleScript, the following would be a start:
on daysSinceDot(theDate)
set aSolarYear to 365 * days + 5 * hours + 48 * minutes + 46
set aMillennium to aSolarYear * 1000
((theDate - (date "Thursday, 1 January 1001 00:00:00")) +
aMillennium) div days
end daysSinceDot
daysSinceDot(date "Friday, 23 November 2001 00:00:00")
--> 730811
However, if you set aMillennium to (date "Monday, 1 January 2001
00:00:00") - (date "Thursday, 1 January 1001 00:00:00"), the end result
is 730812. Unfortunately, I don't have time to investigate this this