Re: Mail OS X, can't move message or get date?
Re: Mail OS X, can't move message or get date?
- Subject: Re: Mail OS X, can't move message or get date?
- From: Cornwall <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 16:55:50 -0800
At 9:33 AM -0800 10/30/01, Paul Marcos wrote:
tell application "Mail"
set lacct to account "Personal Mailboxes"
set box1 to mailbox "Box1" of lacct
set box2 to mailbox "Box2" of lacct
set msgs1 to messages of box1 whose is deleted is false
set msgs2 to messages of box2 whose is deleted is false
if the (count of msgs1) is greater than 0 then
set the container of every message in box1 to box2
else if the (count of msgs2) is greater than 0 then
set the container of every message in box2 to box1
end if
end tell
Thanks Paul. I might have gotten around to trying "container"
sometime day after tomorrow (or later), because that is not where I
was headed late last night when I called for help! I really thought
the mailbox object was where the answer would be found.
You have saved me a lot of time. Thanks again.