Re: Scripting Canto Cumulus 5.010
Re: Scripting Canto Cumulus 5.010
- Subject: Re: Scripting Canto Cumulus 5.010
- From: Bryan <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 30 Oct 2001 14:01:10 -0500
- Organization: Apex Radiology
Be sure that the dialog is coming from an application that is in OkeyDokeyPro's
response list. If the app generating the dialog (maybe the Finder?) is not in
list, it will not respond. Also, if the dialog is generated in the background,
application has to be brought to the foreground before OKP will respond.
Bryan Kaufman
Mark Bjfrgager wrote:
Hello all.
I am scripting Cumulus client 5.010 to add images to a Cumulus database, but
I am having some troubles with the client. Most often it is that the client
drops the connection to the server and Cumulus then shows a warning dialog,
from then on the client does not respond to my appleevents.
How can I test to see if there's a dialog in front of Cumulus ? How can I
remove it, I installed OkeyDokey Pro to see if it would remove any dialogs,
but it seems like O-K-P can't "see" the dialogs.
Best regards
Mark Bjaergager
applescript-users mailing list
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