Re: Sort items in a list without OSAXen
Re: Sort items in a list without OSAXen
- Subject: Re: Sort items in a list without OSAXen
- From: Timothy Bates <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2001 16:05:15 +1000
I noted that you don't need to sort the list - just keep items that are
larger than the best three candidates so far. so this works pretty fast.
make sure to initalise the candidates to the lowest number you will
set theList to {}
repeat with n from 1 to 100
set the end of theList to random number from 1 to 500
end repeat
set candidates to {0, 0, 0}
repeat with anItem in theList
if anItem > item 1 of candidates then
set candidates to {contents of anItem, item 1 of candidates, item 2
of candidates}
else if anItem > item 2 of candidates then
set candidates to {item 1 of candidates, contents of anItem, item 2
of candidates}
else if anItem > item 3 of candidates then
set item 3 of candidates to contents of anItem
end if
--display dialog ("" & anItem & return & (join list candidates with
delimiters " "))
end repeat
{candidates, theList}
On 9/2/01 2:54 PM, "Joseph A. Weaks" <email@hidden> wrote:
I have a variable that contains random numbers in a list, say
{1,2,3,4}, and I need the sum of the highest three.
I don't want to use an OSAX 'sort' command for portability reasons.
My approach has been to first sort the list in descending in order
which lets me get the sum items 1-3. Here's my solution so far...
-- Sorts a list in descending order
property HighNumber : 10 -- Highest possible number
property SortedList : {} as list
SortList({9, 1, 3, 4, 10, 6, 5, 7, 2, 1, 1})
on SortList(UnsortedList)
repeat with EachNumber from HighNumber to 1 by -1
repeat with x from 1 to number of UnsortedList
if item x of UnsortedList is EachNumber then
set SortedList to SortedList & item x
of UnsortedList as list
end if
end repeat
end repeat
return SortedList
end SortList
Any more economical way?
Joe Weaks
Dr Timothy Bates <
Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science (MACCS)
Macquarie University
Ph 61 (2) 9850 8623
Fx 61 (2) 9850 6059