new folder / move all REVISITED
new folder / move all REVISITED
- Subject: new folder / move all REVISITED
- From: "T. Breheny / DiGiTAL ZEN" <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 09 Sep 2001 11:47:45 -0600
i've since been able to simplify my script/process by forgetting about fancy
alias scenarios-- i just need to copy the contents of a fixed/known folder
to the most recently created folder in another directory (created by AS via
a filemaker script).
so w/ some help from brennan young (thanks) and the tidbits i picked up here
previously, i've come to the following:
property mainContainer : alias "KICKer:VAIL01:"
property mostRecentFolder : 0 -- just a dummy to start with
tell application "Finder"
set the selectedItem to folder "KICKer:VAIL01:output"
set the filesToBeMoved to the entire contents of the selectedItem
if mostRecentFolder is not 0 then -- for first time round
move the filesToBeMoved to mostRecentFolder of mainContainer
display dialog "This is the first time you have run this script!"
end if
set fp to {name:the clipboard}
set mostRecentFolder to (make new folder at mainContainer with
properties fp)
end tell
this results in a finder error: "invalid key form" w/ the
"move the filesToBeMoved to mostRecentFolder of mainContainer"
line highlighted.
any ideas? better approach? i really need this to be up & running by
thanks in advance.