Re: applescript-users digest, Vol 2 #1061 - 13 msgs
Re: applescript-users digest, Vol 2 #1061 - 13 msgs
- Subject: Re: applescript-users digest, Vol 2 #1061 - 13 msgs
- From: "Roger Howard" <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 11:38:18 -0700
Paul & Michelle,
I have used Akua Sweets "the entries in" for quite some time and with a wide range of scenarios including massive directory trees and huge results lists without unexpected problems (of course a list of aliases with 5000 members isn't too easy to digest) - it has always been accurate and FAST. I highly recommend using "the entries in", and in fact using anything and everythign in Akua... with it you'll barely ever need another osax too :)
I have used the various parameters of Akua Sweets' 'the entries in' [as
alias] in recursive handlers without problems, but I have not tested it
exhaustively, although others may have. It could be that it hits
difficulties when the recursion gets overwhelming, although I don't know
that anyone's hit that. It seems pretty quick to me.
Roger Howard
Digital Media Specialist
Museum Information Systems
The J. Paul Getty Museum