RE: JavaScript utilities via AS?
RE: JavaScript utilities via AS?
- Subject: RE: JavaScript utilities via AS?
- From: "Steve Goodman" <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 4 Apr 2002 16:10:48 -0600
- Thread-topic: JavaScript utilities via AS?
>Is there a way to use the javascript *onload* event handler thru the *do
>script* command in IE to test if page loading has finished. I have been
using this:
I picked this up from the list awhile back:
tell application "Internet Explorer"
OpenURL ""
--wait for page to fully load (thanks to MacGuy for this routine!)
set frontmost_window to item 1 of {ListWindows}
set wait_flag to ""
repeat until wait_flag = "complete"
set wait_flag to do script "document.readyState" window frontmost_window
end repeat
end tell
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