Re: Trimming down a list
Re: Trimming down a list
- Subject: Re: Trimming down a list
- From: Arthur J Knapp <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 16:41:26 -0400
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 14:34:32 +0100
Subject: Trimming down a list
From: Steve Thompson <email@hidden>
I have this script
set mrt to {long list of 10,000+ items created from a text file)
set k to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (the number of items in mrt)
if item i of mrt is not in k then set k to k & (item i of mrt)
...the idea being that k contains a list of unique items based on whats in
Is there a quicker way to do this or an OSAX that will do it for me?
Simple change the concatenation process to an appending proccess:
if item i of mrt is not in k then set k to k & (item i of mrt)
if item i of mrt is not in k then set (end of k) to item i of mrt
This will greatly speed things up. From that point, you may want to
consider working with references:
set mrt to {long list of 10,000+ items created from a text file)
set k to {}
set refMrt to a reference to mrt
set refK to a reference to k
repeat with i from 1 to refMrt's length
if ( refMrt's item i is not in refK ) then
set refK's end to refMrt's item i
Within a handler, you can use the "Serge" technique:
on RemoveDuplicates(a)
script o
property a : {} --> array of items
property u : {} --> collect unique items
end script
set o's a to a
repeat with i from 1 to o's a's length
if ((o's a's item i) is not in (o's u)) then
set (o's u's end) to o's a's item i
end if
end repeat
return o's u
end RemoveDuplicates
set k to RemoveDuplicates( mrt )
{ Arthur J. Knapp, of <>
on error number -128
end try
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