Re: Number of Decimal Places
Re: Number of Decimal Places
- Subject: Re: Number of Decimal Places
- From: Nigel Garvey <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 02:11:11 +0100
Goldfish wrote on Mon, 22 Apr 2002 16:00:37 -0400:
Hi. Here is an open challenge:
I would like to, in the fewest lines of code, determine the number of
decimal places of a "real" named x.
For instance, "1" would be 0, "1.1" would be 2, "1.11" would be 3, etc.
Using the following guide, I'd like to know who can come up with the
fewest lines of code to return the correct number of decimal places:
This is nonsense. Do you mean the number of decimal places? In which
case, "1.1" would be 1, "1.11" would be 2, etc. Do you mean the number of
decimal digits? In which case, "1" would be 1.
--Use this code:
set x to (the text returned of (display dialog "Number:" default
answer "")) as real
-- Coercion to real cannot produce an integer like 1
-- Coercion to number can - given the right input -
-- in which case, the following would produce the described effect:
set decimalplaces to (count (x div 1 as string) & x mod 1) - 2
display dialog "The number of decimal places of " & x & " is " &
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