Quark Scripting problem
Quark Scripting problem
- Subject: Quark Scripting problem
- From: Ari Winokur <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2002 10:57:31 -0400
Hey all..
With a lot of help I managed to put together a script to simplify my
job. This script prepares a Quark document to be sent through Acrobat
Distiller. Most of the time it works just fine however, I sometimes get
errors with the print monitor or with the PDF creation. These errors have
been happening more often now and I haven't been able to get the script to
create a valid PS file for a while now.
Here's the script:
tell application "QuarkXPress(tm)"
set printer type of print setup of front document to "Acrobat Distiller"
set dlgResult to display dialog "Choose a page width:" buttons {"8.5 in", "6
in", "Cancel"} default button 3 with icon note
if button returned of dlgResult = "8.5 in" then
set strPageWidth to "51p"
else if button returned of dlgResult = "6 in" then
set strPageWidth to "36p"
end if
set paper width of print setup of front document to strPageWidth
set dlgResult to display dialog "Name the file:" default answer "File Name"
with icon note
set strFIlename to text returned of dlgResult
set strPostScriptFolder to "Heldref Laptop:Desktop Folder:"
set strFullFilePath to (strPostScriptFolder & strFIlename) as string
print front document PostScript file strFullFilePath
end tell
Ari W.
Ari Winokur
Multimedia Manager
Heldref Publications
1319 Eighteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
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