Re: Owner/User Name in OSX
Re: Owner/User Name in OSX
- Subject: Re: Owner/User Name in OSX
- From: Michelle Steiner <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2002 21:39:53 -0700
I had meant to reply to the list. Command-R in can't be set to
"reply to all" as it can in Emailer, and I'm still not used to the
On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 09:30 PM, John W Baxter wrote:
Hi, Michelle...
Did you mean to reply to me, rather than to Bill or the list?
On Thursday, April 25, 2002, at 06:13 PM, John W Baxter wrote:
At 11:15 +0800 4/25/2002, bill wrote:
-- below code in one line
set longName to words 4 thru -1 of paragraph 1 of (do shell script
" & (system attribute "USER")))
-- above code in one line
Very nice, Bill.
One small correction to the above: "finger" should be "finger "
Interestingly, although the result of the script is
--> {"Michelle", "Steiner"}
the event log shows this:
tell current application
system attribute "USER"
--> "michelle"
do shell script "finger michelle"
--> "Login: michelle Name:
Michelle Steiner
Directory: /Users/michelle Shell: /bin/tcsh
On since Thu Apr 25 11:07 (MST) on console, idle 7:54 (messages off)
No Plan."
end tell
We're not human beings having a spiritual experience.
We're spiritual beings having a human experience.
John Baxter email@hidden Port Ludlow, WA, USA
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