Re: How to calculate/process this one?
Re: How to calculate/process this one?
- Subject: Re: How to calculate/process this one?
- From: nicolas descombes <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 23:51:12 +0200
Le 27/04/02 18:36, Paul Berkowitz a icrit :
On 4/27/02 7:21 AM, "Martin Michel" <email@hidden> wrote:
> b) Sometimes the numbers are not getting smaller and smaller by the time
> but bigger and bigger. I do not know how to get rid of this problem.
That "problem" is where you started out. It's built into your exercise. It
has nothing whatsoever to do with AppleScript. it's what makes the entire
exercise pointless and futile. Find something else to think about. If you
had started out with a number like 99595, you would have seen the "problem"
immediately. Think of another game, because this one is never going to work.
this script works :
* Author : Nicolas DESCOMBES
* country : France
* Date : 28/04/2002
global nombreInferieur
set nombreInitial to "11050"
(* 11050
* 2155
* 370
* 107
* 17
(* For large numbers, only string. ex : "12345678912345678912345678"
* For little numbers, integers are accepted since 536870909
* exponential notation is not handled
set t0 to the ticks -- OSAX Jon's commands
niveauInferieur(nombreInitial, 2)
-- result : {"time : 1", "Result : 17"}
set t1 to the ticks -- OSAX Jon's commands
{"time : " & (t1 - t0), "Result : " & (nombreInferieur as string)}
on niveauInferieur(n, p)
-- p = length of result
if (((n as string)'s length) as number) = p then
set nombreInferieur to n
return nombreInferieur
end if
if (((n as string)'s length) as number) < p then
display dialog (n as string) & ,
" is too small for getting a number with " & p & " digits."
set nombreInferieur to ""
return nombreInferieur
end if
set listeNombre to {}
set listeNombre to (n as string)'s characters
set couples to {}
set rang to 2
repeat with i in listeNombre
copy {i as string, (item rang of listeNombre)} ,
to the end of couples
set rang to rang + 1
on error
end try
end repeat
set reste to 0
set nombreInferieur to ""
repeat with j in (reverse of couples)
set total to ((item 1 of j) + ((item 2 of j) + reste))
if total < 10 then
set nombreInferieur to total & nombreInferieur
set reste to 0
set nombreInferieur to (character 2 of ,
((total as string)) as integer) & nombreInferieur
set reste to 1
end if
end repeat
if reste > 0 then
set nombreInferieur to (reste as string) & nombreInferieur
end if
if (length of (nombreInferieur as string)) > p then
niveauInferieur(nombreInferieur, p)
return nombreInferieur
end if
end niveauInferieur
it's not certainly optimized but it works perfectly.
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