Re: Making PDF file from .ps or .eps generated by Quark
Re: Making PDF file from .ps or .eps generated by Quark
- Subject: Re: Making PDF file from .ps or .eps generated by Quark
- From: Jeremy Sellors <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 05 Feb 2002 18:21:17 -0800
Thanks for all the help
This one seems to work OK
Sniped from end of Quark tell block
set docpath to (file path of document 1)
set EPSFilePath to "" & docpath & "" & ".eps"
tell page 1 of document 1
save in EPSFilePath EPS format Mac DCS2 EPS data binary OPI
include images
end tell
on error
display dialog "No eps generated"
end try
repeat until ((FileBusy EPSFilePath) is false)
delay 5
end repeat
close document 1 saving yes
end tell
if jobOptiosFile is "" then -- this set the property at the top of the
set jobOptiosFile to choose file with prompt "Choose options file in the
Acrobat 4.0/Distiller/Settings folder"
end if
tell application "Acrobat Distiller 4.0"
open alias EPSFilePath joboptions jobOptiosFile with hide and wait
end tell
__Needs FileBusy osax
The whole script is a bit long to post. But basically it starts in FMPro
Quark makes the template with all the imported info and images this then
gets saved in the clients folder/the pdf and eps files are then used in the
workflow .
The above snippet based on the newsgroup
alt.comp.lang.applescript post Re: Export Qxpress DCS2 Files?
which I just happened upon after posting here.