Re: Scripting System Preferences in MacOS X
Re: Scripting System Preferences in MacOS X
- Subject: Re: Scripting System Preferences in MacOS X
- From: Martin Michel <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2002 16:16:51 +0100
Try this one as an example, only works under Mac OS 9:
property SystemFolders : {}
property UserList : {}
--+++Main Routines+++
on run
with timeout of 6000 seconds
set SystemFolders to {}
set UserList to {}
my DiskChecker()
end timeout
end run
on DiskChecker()
tell application "Finder"
get every disk
set allDisks to result
repeat with theDisk in allDisks
if ejectable of theDisk is false then
if local volume of theDisk is true then
my SystemFolderCheck(theDisk)
end if
end if
end repeat
if SystemFolders is {} then
display dialog ,
"So verwirrend es auch ist: Es wurden keine
Systemordner auf den lokalen Festplatten gefunden..." buttons {"Na
sowas..."} default button 1 with icon stop giving up after 10
my UserSystemChooser()
end if
end tell
end DiskChecker
on SystemFolderCheck(validdisk)
tell application "Finder"
if exists folder "Systemordner" in validdisk then
set validdisknameA to name of validdisk
set ClassicSystemFolder to validdisknameA & ":" &
"Systemordner" & ":" & "System" as string
set SystemFolders to SystemFolders & ClassicSystemFolder
set UserListItemA to validdisknameA & " (Classic OS)" as string
set UserList to UserList & UserListItemA
if not (exists folder "System") in validdisk then
else if exists folder "System" in validdisk then
if exists folder "Library" in validdisk then
set validdisknameB to name of validdisk
set MOXSystemFolderA to validdisknameB & ":" &
"System" & ":" & "Library" & ":" & "CoreServices" & ":" & "BootX" as
set SystemFolders to SystemFolders & MOXSystemFolderA
set UserListItemB to validdisknameB & " (Mac OS X)" as string
set UserList to UserList & UserListItemB
end if
end if
else if not (exists folder "Systemordner" in validdisk) then
if exists folder "System" in validdisk then
if exists folder "Library" in validdisk then
set validdisknameC to name of validdisk
set MOXSystemFolderB to validdisknameC & ":" &
"System" & ":" & "Library" & ":" & "CoreServices" & ":" & "BootX" as
set SystemFolders to SystemFolders & MOXSystemFolderB
set UserListItemC to validdisknameC & " (Mac OS X)" as string
set UserList to UserList & UserListItemC
end if
end if
end if
end tell
end SystemFolderCheck
on UserSystemChooser()
tell application "Finder"
choose from list UserList with prompt "Wdhlen Sie ein
Startvolume aus:"
if result is not false then
set UserChoice to result as string
set SystemFolderIdentifyer to 0
repeat with theItem in UserList
if UserChoice = theItem as string then
set SystemFolderIdentifyer to SystemFolderIdentifyer + 1
get item SystemFolderIdentifyer of SystemFolders as string
set choosenSystemFolder to result
set SystemFolderIdentifyer to SystemFolderIdentifyer + 1
end if
end repeat
my StartVolumeSetter(choosenSystemFolder)
end if
end tell
end UserSystemChooser
on StartVolumeSetter(thechoosenSystemFolder)
tell application "Finder"
display dialog "Bitte warten Sie einen Moment, das Vffnen des
Kontrollfeldes Startvolume dauert etwa 5 Sekunden..." buttons {""}
default button 1 giving up after 3
end tell
tell application "Startvolume"
set startup system folder alias to alias thechoosenSystemFolder
set localboot to true
on error
tell application "Finder"
display dialog ,
"Leider hat das Einstellen des Startvolumes
nicht geklappt." buttons {"Schade..."} default button 1 with icon stop
giving up after 10
end tell
end try
end tell
end StartVolumeSetter
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