Re: Parameters with run handler
Re: Parameters with run handler
- Subject: Re: Parameters with run handler
- From: Richard Morton <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 18:30:45 +1100
On Wednesday, January 9, 2002, at 04:34 PM, Paul Berkowitz wrote:
Am I imagining it, or have I read here that it is possible to include a
parameter in list braces for a run handler, and to call it from another
script using the parameter, something like this:
tell application "Applet"
run {someParameter}
end tell
Try this:
run script file "path:to:compiled:script:or:app" with parameters
set f to load script file aCompiledScriptsPath
tell f to run {someParameter}
This works:
run script f with parameters paramList
where the script application or compiled script in question has a run
This works under 10.1.1:
Save as compiled script -
on run {bNum}
beep bNum
display dialog "I was supposed to beep " & bNum & " times, but I
end run
This calls it -
set s to alias "path:to:above:script:file" - or file spec
run script s with parameters {3}
--> {button returned:"OK"}
It only beeps once, but the dialog comes up. Can't have everything I
I can find nothing about this in the ASLG or O'Reilly's Nutshell, and it
doesn't seem to work in OS X. So I must be imagining it. But I'd swear I
read about it here.
It's actually in the Standard Additions dictionary in Scripting
Commands - 'run script' is what you want. It has been discussed here as
well. I've used it with compiled scripts as the target, as per the
above example. Works well under classic MacOS. Pretty handy feature
Some testing here suggests that it should be possible to make it
optional in a run handler as well, which is pretty cool. I tested a one
with a param & Script Editor told me the class of the param was script
if nothing was passed. This is from memory & untested:
to run paramList
if class of paramList is not <<script>> then -- chevrons around
-- no param, a normal run
-- have param, running from open handler or elsewhere
to open aliasList
run aliasList -- pass the dropped item(s) to the run handler
I got (something like) this to work when I was developing something
under 9.1, but I ended up not using it & haven't got back to it. It
looked like it should work reliably though.
Richard Morton
-- not enjoying '' much...