Re: ACGI form parsing in OSX?
Re: ACGI form parsing in OSX?
- Subject: Re: ACGI form parsing in OSX?
- From: James Sentman <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 22:58:38 -0500
are there any scripting additions like parse CGI that work under OSX?
I've looked at the parsing example on and can't seem to
figure out a simple way to set field values as variables.
any help would be appreciated.
Do you mean how to parse the raw query string and/or post data that
gets sent to you in an acgi script? If so then I might have some
regular applescript code that would help. If I misunderstood the
question, then this wont help;)
property FormKeys : {}
property FormValues : {}
on ParseFormData(RawFormData)
set FormKeys to {}
set FormValues to {}
set TemporaryArray to {}
set SavedDelimiter to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"&"}
set paircount to count of text items in RawFormData
if RawFormData is equal to "" then
end if
repeat with i from 1 to paircount
set s to text item i of RawFormData
set TemporaryArray to TemporaryArray & s
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {"="}
set paircount to length of TemporaryArray
repeat with i from 1 to paircount
set thisName to text item 1 of (item i of TemporaryArray)
set thisValue to text item 2 of (item i of TemporaryArray)
set FormKeys to FormKeys & thisName
set FormValues to FormValues & thisValue
end repeat
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to SavedDelimiter
end ParseFormData
on GetFormData(theKey)
set thisCount to length of FormKeys
repeat with i from 1 to thisCount
if item i of FormKeys is equal to theKey then
return item i of FormValues
end if
end repeat
return ""
end GetFormData
Just pass the query string, or the post form data to the
ParseFormData method. that will put the keys and values into 2
arrays. Then use the GetFormData method to find the key you are
looking for and return the value from the form. Originally I felt
that it should be a record instead of just a pair of arrays, the
lookup would be faster, but I ran into name space problems when names
from the forms ran into reserved words in apple script.
I'm sure it could be done better, but this is very flexible. I'm
using it with the iTunes control script example that I included with
the acgi enabler program for OSX at:
Sorry if I misunderstood the question.
James Sentman <email@hidden>
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