Re: Scripting Additions: Embracing the Horror of Unix
Re: Scripting Additions: Embracing the Horror of Unix
- Subject: Re: Scripting Additions: Embracing the Horror of Unix
- From: Andrew Hinton <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 11:39:05 -0500
Not to mention that there's a HUGE user base out there that will then
perhaps be more prone to experience AppleScript, if they can easily hook
into their "legacy skills."
Hey, I'm not that big of a unix guru or anything, but the long tortured
pseudo-english of AppleScript is sometimes annoying when compared to the
minimalist brilliance of a shell command or script.
For example: cp file1 /usr/bin is a lot easier than "tell application
"finder" blah blah blah" at least to me...I realize that's relative.
I'd LOVE to have the summary/guide you guys are talking about.
::email@hidden::wrote on 1/29/02 12:23 PM:
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 09:10:53 -0800
To: <email@hidden>
From: Jon Pugh <email@hidden>
Subject: Re: Scripting Additions: Embracing the Horror of Unix
At 6:40 PM +1100 1/29/02, Shane Stanley wrote:
> Oh, I think I understand where you're coming from, and I can see the logic.
> But I'm a bit surprised at the source of such heresy...
I guess I'm in for heresy by thought and heresy by word, but not deed, yet.
Like I said, the argument for simply carbonizing Jon's Commands isn't lost.
It's just that I'm coming to grok where we are arriving with Mac OS X. As an
apprentice old fart, I have significant unix experience. However, I fled unix
for Apple and now I'm back, but with Apple too.
So I've got a Unix supercomputer in front of me at work that vaguely resembles
my old Mac. It's got two 21" monitors and a 400 MHz G3. It runs plenty fast,
except when compiling, but that's *never* fast enough. Now it also has an
admittedly arcane but immensely powerful command set which I can make use of.
Now I'm as much of a fan of AppleScript as the next guy, but frankly I see
that hooking it up to the power of unix is in everyone's best interests. Ed
Lai has made a fine start with his KinderShell, which makes more and more
sense as I think about it, to wrap shell commands in AppleScript. Consider it
AppleScript syntax tempering the horror of unix.
As such, I think it deserves more thought and perhaps even blasphemy and