Aatrix Mac P&L Modifing Data
Aatrix Mac P&L Modifing Data
- Subject: Aatrix Mac P&L Modifing Data
- From: John Haley <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 23 Jul 2002 11:29:35 -0500
I am not very good with original AppleScript. I will take what I can
find and change it to my needs, but I cat't find much for Mac P&L. I
want to modify customer information. I have tried:
tell application "Aatrix MacP&Lb"6.3.1 Client 4"
tell Database 1
tell Table "Customers"
set (Value of Cell "Name" of (every Record whose Value of
Cell "CodeNumber" = "A2306")) to "Test Company"
end tell
end tell
end tell
which actually does change the name, but it takes about 4 minutes and it
errors out with a time out error.
The scripts I have found, one which creates an account and one which
pulls the information from the account, are bellow.
tell application "Aatrix MacP&Lb"6.2"
try --checks to see if there is a database open
get the Name of Database 1
on error --if there is no datatabse open, select one to open
choose file with prompt "Please select a MacP&L database to
open:" of type "APB2" -- "APB2" only lists MacP&L databases
set fileName to result
Open fileName
end try
tell Database 1
-- make sure there are sales and tax accounts and they exsit in MacP&L
tell Table "GL Accounts"
-- once we have a valid ID, add the rest of the information
set theRecord to {vCustID, vName, vSalesAcct, vTaxAcct,
vTerms, vAddress, " ", vCity, vState, vZip, vCountry, vPhone,
vFax, " ", " ", 0.0, 0.0, vTaxRate, vDiscount, true}
Create New Record At end With Data theRecord
display dialog vName & " has been successfully added
to MacP&L as a customer."
on error errMsg number errNbr
display dialog errMsg & return & return & "(" & errNbr & ")"
end try
end tell
end tell
end tell
-- get customer information from MacP&L, based on ID and Name from
tell application "Aatrix MacP&Lb"6.2"
try --checks to see if there is a database open
get the Name of Database 1
on error --if there is no datatabse open, select one to open
choose file with prompt "Please select a MacP&L database to
open:" of type "APB2" -- "APB2" only lists MacP&L databases
set fileName to result
Open fileName
end try
tell Table "Customers" of Database 1
if vCustID = "" then set vCustID to text returned of
(display dialog "Please enter the ID number for this customer:" default
answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button "OK")
--make sure the customer exists in MacP&L
(Value of Cell "Name" of (every Record whose Value of
Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
exit repeat
on error
display dialog "MacP&L does not have a customer with
an ID of " & vCustID & "." buttons "OK" default button "OK"
set vCustID to "" --reset the customer ID
end try
end repeat
-- once we have a valid ID, set the rest of the variables
set vName to (Value of Cell "Name" of (every Record whose
Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
-- now we need to combine the address fields for use in FileMaker
set tempAddr1 to (Value of Cell "Addr Ln1" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID)) --this gets line 1 of the
address in MacP&L
set tempAddr2 to (Value of Cell "Addr Ln2" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID)) --this gets line 2 of the
address in MacP&L
-- if there is a line 2 for the address, concatenate them and
set vAddress
if tempAddr2 b "" then
set vAddress to tempAddr1 & return & tempAddr2
set vAddress to tempAddr1
end if
set vCity to (Value of Cell "City" of (every Record whose
Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vState to (Value of Cell "State" of (every Record whose
Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vZip to (Value of Cell "Zip" of (every Record whose Value
of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vCountry to (Value of Cell "Country" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vPhone to (Value of Cell "Phone" of (every Record whose
Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vFax to (Value of Cell "Fax" of (every Record whose Value
of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vSalesAcct to (Value of Cell "Sales Account" of (every
Record whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vTaxAcct to (Value of Cell "Tax Account" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vTaxRate to (Value of Cell "Taxable" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vDiscount to (Value of Cell "Discount" of (every Record
whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
set vOpenAccount to (Value of Cell "Open Account" of (every
Record whose Value of Cell "CodeNumber" = vCustID))
end tell
end tell
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