Re: Need help creating this script
Re: Need help creating this script
- Subject: Re: Need help creating this script
- From: email@hidden
- Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 11:57:05 EDT
Here are some thoughts, in no particular order:
1) If you want batch processing capabilities, you can build an instruction file (use a tab delimited text file) in the format:
srcFile strPageWidth strFIlename
so that your instruction file might look like:
firstSourceFilename 51p firstDestFilename
secondSourceFilename 36p secondDestFilename
Your script can then read this instruction file and cycle thru each document automatically. Such a tab delimited file can be created in a spreadsheet, then copied and pasted to BBEdit to make it tab delimited.
Another plan would be to give your script an "on open" handler and drop a group of files onto it. Or use folder actions.
You may want to check out my "List Manipulator" at
It may help you create the instruction file.
2) This line
set strPostScriptFolder to "Heldref Laptop:Desktop Folder:" -- The Hard Drive name must be changed appropriately for any given computer.
would be better structured as
property strPostScriptFolder: "Heldref Laptop:Desktop Folder:"
and placed at the top of your script with the comment line above it as follows:
------- this/these values must be localized ----------
This makes it easier to distribute scripts, and to debug/modify. You won't have to dig thru your script hunting for (and missing) the necessary localizing changes.
Jeff Baumann
In a message dated 5/29/02 8:28:52 PM, Ari Winokur wrote:
Hey All,
I work for a publishing company and am working to create a script to
simplify my tasks. I currently have a script that basically does what I
need. However I have to run the script over and over for each document
that I need to work with. Please take a look at my current script (included
below) and get back to me on any ideas to save me the trouble of having
to restart the script over and over. In case it is not clear from the script
I often have to do multiple things with one document.
Ari W.
Ari Winokur
Multimedia Manager
Heldref Publications
1319 Eighteenth Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036
===Begin Script===
tell application "QuarkXPress(tm)"
set printer type of print setup of front document to "Acrobat Distiller"
set dlgResult to display dialog "Choose a page width:" buttons {"8.5
in", "6
in", "Cancel"} default button 1 with icon note
if button returned of dlgResult = "8.5 in" then
set strPageWidth to "51p"
else if button returned of dlgResult = "6 in" then
set strPageWidth to "36p"
end if
set paper width of print setup of front document to strPageWidth
set dlgResult to display dialog "Is this an 'As Printed PDF'?" buttons
{"Yes", "No", "Cancel"} ,
default button 1 with icon note
if button returned of dlgResult = "Yes" then
set strFIlename to name of front document
else if button returned of dlgResult = "No" then
set dlgResult to display dialog "Name the file:" default answer
"File Name" with icon note
set strFIlename to text returned of dlgResult
end if
set strPostScriptFolder to "Heldref Laptop:Desktop Folder:" -- The
Drive name mus be changed appropriately for any given computer.
set strFullFilePath to (strPostScriptFolder & strFIlename) as string
print front document PostScript file strFullFilePath
end tell
===End Script===
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