Re: List Quark missing images
Re: List Quark missing images
- Subject: Re: List Quark missing images
- From: Jay Young <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 19:10:35 -0600
Hi Garry,
Look in the QuarkXPress Dictionary and you'll see you have 'modified'
and 'missing' under 'Image'. You could therefore do something like
this (I've put a blank line between each line of code since it will
probably wrap in the email. So make sure everything between the blank
lines is one line of code.):
tell application "QuarkXPress"
tell document 1
repeat with Pg from 1 to (count pages)
set {MissingImg, ModifiedImg} to {{"These items were missing from Page
" & Pg & ":"}, {"These items were modified from Page " & Pg & ":"}}
repeat with x from 1 to (count page Pg's picture boxes)
if page Pg's picture box x's image 1 is missing then
set MissingImg's end to return & my GetImageName((page Pg's picture box
x's image 1's file path) as string)
else if page Pg's picture box x's image 1 is modified then
set ModifiedImg's end to return & my GetImageName((page Pg's picture
box x's image 1's file path) as string)
end if
end repeat
display dialog "" & (MissingImg as string) & return & return &
(ModifiedImg as string)
end repeat
end tell
end tell
on GetImageName(FileNm)
set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, ":"}
set {MissingFileNm, text item delimiters} to {FileNm's last text item,
end GetImageName
Hope this at least gives you some ideas. Be aware that if a lot of
pictures are missing or modified they might not all fit in a dialog
I tested this with QuarkXPress 4.1 on OS 10.2.1 with AS 1.9.
On Monday, October 28, 2002, at 01:26 PM, email@hidden wrote:
This should be an easy one. Is it possible to generate a list of images
missing or modified on a Quark page? I plan to update documents with
all the
supplied pictures, and then generate a list of missing images for the
customer. Ideally, I would like the list to be broken out by page,
"Page 1 of document is missing these images: Image1, Image2" "Page 1 of
document has modified images: Image3, Image4".
Garry Simon
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