Re: Listing the names contained in a record
Re: Listing the names contained in a record
- Subject: Re: Listing the names contained in a record
- From: has <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2002 20:41:23 +0000
[Note: I already replied to this qu. on the AS-S list where it first
appeared, recommending the OP replace their records with something more
appropriate if they can, eg:
If that's not possible, e.g. working with the tag-attribute records
generated by XML Tools, then EVIL HACK time it is. I've reworked an
algorithm I wrote for hashLib, and it's now fast enough to be usable
(though still not trustworthy). As it's a stinky, barely-tested hack, I'll
make _no_ guarantees it'll work correctly with other data and systems. But
if you're truly snookered, it may be better than nothing...]
Emmanuel wrote:
RecordAccess OSAX is the way to go if you are not under OSX.
Yup, best option if you _can't_ avoid using records.
Otherwise, if you work with Smile, one of the hairy hacks Andy is
mentioning consists mostly in using Smile's "display" command to make
the record into text, parsing the resulting string, and using "do
script" (or "run script") to retrieve the value of a given property.
set ps to text 2 thru ((offset of ":" in s)-1) in s --> "myprop"
That's okay if it only handles one property, and the identifier isn't
contained within pipes (eg: |FOO|, |x:y|). Otherwise, you need Heavier
Guns. Anyway, here goes nothing...
has (diving for the nearest bunker)
script _coerceToStringModule
on _getCDTSOffsets()
{a:0} as boolean --[hacky trick]
error "a record-to-boolean coercion is present." number 100
on error eMsg number -1700
end try
set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "{a:0}"
set textFrom to (eMsg's first text item's length) + 4
set textTo to -(eMsg's second text item's length) - 2
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
return {textFrom, textTo}
end _getCDTSOffsets
on coerceToString(theData)
set {textFrom, textTo} to _getCDTSOffsets()
{a:theData} as boolean --[hacky trick]
error "a record-to-boolean coercion is present." number
on error eMsg number -1700
return eMsg's text textFrom thru textTo
end try
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Couldn't coerce to string: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end coerceToString
end script
on _valueAsString(val)
if {val's class} is in {boolean, integer, real} then
return (val as string)
else if {val's class} is in {string, Unicode text} then
return ("\"" & val & "\"")
else -- anything else gets the full stringify treatment
return (_coerceToStringModule's coerceToString(val))
end if
end _valueAsString
on _getFirstOffset(theString, findString) -- (faster than Standard
[NO-BREAK]Addition's offset)
set oldTID to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to findString
count of theString's first text item
if result is theString's length then
set theOffset to 0
set theOffset to result + 1
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldTID
return theOffset
on error eMsg number eNum
error "Can't get offset: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end _getFirstOffset
on _parseBarDelimitedKeyString(str)
set str to str's text 2 thru -1
set endOfKey to false
set theKey to ""
repeat until endOfKey
set char to str's first character
if char is "\\" then
set theKey to theKey & str's second character
set str to str's text 3 thru -1
else if char is "|" then
set endOfKey to true
set theKey to theKey & char
set str to str's text 2 thru -1
end if
end repeat
return theKey
end _parseBarDelimitedKeyString
on extractRecordKeys(theRecord)
if theRecord's class is not record then error "Not a record."
[NO-BREAK]number 200
(*Notes on next line:
- 3-chars padding to prevent error when trimming last
'property' substring from string [a bit hacky, but quicker
than doing the comma-space trim in an 'if propertyIndex is
less than count of valueLengths' block]
- cTS() claims to return a string (unkown if this means ASCII
string or international text); value returned chokes
Standard Additions' offset command unless explicitly
coerced to int. text beforehand. I've no idea why (anyone?). In
any case, TID-based getFirstOffset() seems to give a worthwhile
speed improvement, so probably best just to keep using that.
set propertiesString to (text 2 thru -2 of _coerceToStringModule's
[NO-BREAK]coerceToString(theRecord)) & " "
set keyList to {}
set valueList to theRecord as list
repeat with valRef in valueList
set valueLength to count of _valueAsString(valRef's contents)
if propertiesString's first character is "|" then
set theKey to _parseBarDelimitedKeyString(propertiesString)
set endOfKeyOffset to (1 + (count of theKey) + 1)
set keyList's end to theKey
set endOfKeyOffset to _getFirstOffset(propertiesString, ":")
set keyList's end to text 1 thru endOfKeyOffset of
end if
set propertiesString to propertiesString's text (endOfKeyOffset
[NO-BREAK]+ 2 + valueLength + 2) thru -1
end repeat
return keyList
end extractRecordKeys
tell application "Finder" to get item 1 of startup disk
set theRecord to {foo:"bar", c:result, bar:4.53453E-7,
[NO-BREAK]|ba-z|:{wibble:1}, |foo:\\\\ \|bar|:false, fff:date
[NO-BREAK]"Tuesday, October 1, 2002 12:00:00am", |month|:March,
--> {"foo", "c", "bar", "ba-z", "foo:\\\\ |bar", "e, fff", "month",
p.s. You can avoid using the hacky coerceToString module if Smile's trusty
'display' command is available. (Hat-tip to Emmanuel.) Replace the
_valueAsString() handler with something like:
on _valueAsString(val)
tell app "Smile" to return (display val)
end _valueAsString
and you might yet get out of the place alive. Good luck. ;)
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