Re: transfer message from Mail to FileMaker - no "returns" in the message
Re: transfer message from Mail to FileMaker - no "returns" in the message
- Subject: Re: transfer message from Mail to FileMaker - no "returns" in the message
- From: John Delacour <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 13:53:16 +0100
- Mac-eudora-version: 6.0a16
At 2:04 pm +0200 28/4/03, Armin Egginger wrote:
I try to transfer my emails to a filemaker-database. It works, but the
returns in the message block don't work - In AppleScript EventLog
everything seems to be ok, but in FileMaker the message is not with
returns - instead of returns are some squares.
Mail is a cocoa UNIX app and uses UNIX line endings. To change the
content to Mac style, do this:
tell application "Mail"
set _Umsg to the content of message 1 of mailbox "inbox" of account 1
set my text item delimiters to return
set _MACmsg to paragraphs of _Umsg as Unicode text
set my text item delimiters to ""
end tell
I have not tried this with a proper Unicode message and I presume FMP
can't handle Unicode, so you're looking for trouble anyway.
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