Re: Record sorting routine
Re: Record sorting routine
- Subject: Re: Record sorting routine
- From: has <email@hidden>
- Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 21:47:32 +0000
Jerry Podhajsky wrote:
I have a list of records that I'd like to sort by a date field contained
in all the records. I'm trying to roll my own with Applescript, but
have come up short and very confused.
Does anyone have a basic Applescript routine (I'm trying to avoid an
OSAX, so that I can see the code and maybe learn something) that takes a
list of records and sorts them by a specified field in the record?
Here's what I've been using. It can sort on multiple fields, and will
easily do what you want. Don't recommend trying to learn from it
though; it's complicated, contains a bunch of optimisations that make
it faster at the expense of legibility - not a good place to start.
If you really want to learn up on algorithms, find yourself a book
containing a good introduction to the subject and read that instead.
on _eval(theList, evalObj)
-- convert each item of list to a {val, item} sublist, where
-- val is the value from item to be compared in _sort()
script k
property lst : theList's items
end script
repeat with i from 1 to count of theList
get k's lst's item i
set k's lst's item i to {evalObj's eval(result), result}
end repeat
return k's lst
end _eval
on _reeval(theList, evalObj)
-- change the val in each {val, item} sublist
script k
property lst : theList
end script
repeat with i from 1 to count of theList
set k's lst's item i's first item to evalObj's eval(k's lst's
[NO-BREAK]item i's second item)
end repeat
return k's lst
end _reeval
on _uneval(theList)
-- convert list of {val, item} sublists back to list of items
script k
property lst : theList
end script
repeat with i from 1 to count of theList
set k's lst's item i to k's lst's item i's last item
end repeat
return k's lst
end _uneval
on _sort(lst, evalList)
script k -- speed kludge
property sourceList : lst
property lessList : {}
property sameList : {}
property moreList : {}
end script
set listLength to (count of k's sourceList)
-- take middle item of list as pivot
set midpoint to (listLength + 1) div 2
set pivotItem to k's sourceList's item midpoint
set k's sameList's end to pivotItem
set pivotVal to pivotItem's first item
-- process items on either side of pivot
repeat with x from 1 to (midpoint - 1)
set itm1 to k's sourceList's item x
set val to itm1's first item
if val = pivotVal then
set k's sameList's beginning to itm1
else if val < pivotVal then
set k's lessList's end to itm1
set k's moreList's end to itm1
end if
set itm2 to k's sourceList's item -x
set val to itm2's first item
if val = pivotVal then
set k's sameList's end to itm2
else if val < pivotVal then
set k's lessList's end to itm2
set k's moreList's end to itm2
end if
end repeat
if listLength mod 2 is 0 then
set itm to k's sourceList's item -midpoint
set val to itm's first item
if val = pivotVal then
set k's sameList's end to itm
else if val < pivotVal then
set k's lessList's end to itm
set k's moreList's end to itm
end if
end if
-- subsort
if ((count of k's lessList) > 1) then
set k's lessList to _sort(k's lessList, evalList)
end if
if ((count of k's sameList) > 1) and ((count of evalList) > 0) then
_reeval(k's sameList, evalList's first item)
set k's sameList to _sort(result, evalList's rest)
end if
if ((count of k's moreList) > 1) then
set k's moreList to _sort(k's moreList, evalList)
end if
return k's lessList & k's sameList & k's moreList
end _sort
on _sortList(theList, evaluatorsList)
if theList's class is not list then error "Not a list." number
if evaluatorsList's class is not list then set evaluatorsList to
if ((count of theList) > 1) then
_eval(theList, evaluatorsList's first item)
_sort(result, evaluatorsList's rest)
return _uneval(result)
return theList
end if
end _sortList
on sortList(theList)
-- your basic list sort, e.g. sortList({1, 3, 8, 2}) --> {1, 2, 3,
script SimpleEval
on eval(val)
return val
end eval
return _sortList(theList, {SimpleEval})
end script
on error eMsg number eNum
error "An error occurred in sortList: " & eMsg number eNum
end try
end sortList
on sortListOfLists(theList, indexList)
-- sort a list of sublists, given a list of sublist indexes to
[NO-BREAK]sort on;
-- e.g. sortListOfLists(lst, {3, 2}) will sort lst's sublists
[NO-BREAK]first by their
-- third item and then by their second
if indexList's class is not list then set indexList to
if indexList is not {} then
copy indexList to evaluatorsList
repeat with itm in evaluatorsList
script EvalIndex
property _idx : itm's contents
on eval(subLst)
return subLst's item _idx
end eval
end script
set itm's contents to EvalIndex
end repeat
_sortList(theList, evaluatorsList)
return theList
end if
on error eMsg number eNum
error "An error occurred in sortListOfLists: " & eMsg number
end try
end sortListOfLists
on sortListUsingEvaluators(theList, evaluatorsList)
-- sort a list of complex items (e.g. lists or records)
-- evaluatorsList is a list of evaluator objects;
-- each evaluator object is a script object containing an
[NO-BREAK]eval(itm) handler
-- that returns the value to be compared (number, text, date;
-- anything that responds to =<> operators)
return _sortList(theList, evaluatorsList)
on error eMsg number eNum
error "An error occurred in sortListUsingEvaluators: " & eMsg
[NO-BREAK]number eNum
end try
end sortListUsingEvaluators
-- TEST 1
log sortList({1, 3, 8, 2})
-- TEST 2
set lst to {{4, 1}, {3, 2}, {4, 0}, {4, 2}, {0, 5}, {4, 1}, {3, 0},
[NO-BREAK]{1, 7}}
log sortListOfLists(lst, {1, 2})
-- TEST 3
script EvalMyDate
on eval(theRecord)
return myDate of theRecord -- (your code here)
end eval
end script
set lst to {{myDate:date "Tuesday, February 4, 2003 12:00:00 am"},
[NO-BREAK]{myDate:date "Monday, February 3, 2003 12:00:00 am"},
[NO-BREAK]{myDate:date "Saturday, February 1, 2003 12:00:00 am"},
[NO-BREAK]{myDate:date "Sunday, February 2, 2003 12:00:00 am"}}
log sortListUsingEvaluators(lst, EvalMyDate)
-- TEST 4
script EvalA
on eval(rec)
return rec's a -- (your code here)
end eval
end script
script EvalB
on eval(rec)
return rec's b -- (your code here)
end eval
end script
set lst to {{a:1, b:3}, {a:5, b:2}, {a:5, b:1}}
log sortListUsingEvaluators(lst, {EvalA, EvalB})
Some day I might get around to testing, documenting and shoving it in
a proper library. One problem is that it's based on a quicksort
algorithm, which is prone to stack overflow errors on very large
lists due to its recursive nature. A good, optimised heap sort might
be a better choice, but I'm not up enough on algorithms to write one.
(The best I've done is a Shell sort, which was noticably slower than
the quicksort.) You pays your money and takes your chances. HTH.
p.s. folks, updated the website - lots of fun, flaky new toys to play
with, if you're interested:
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