Re: Date Help - D&T stamp w Short dates
Re: Date Help - D&T stamp w Short dates
- Subject: Re: Date Help - D&T stamp w Short dates
- From: "Daniel A. Shockley" <email@hidden>
- Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 17:51:14 -0500
> Basically, I would like to create a date - time stamp that ideally would
look like the following
IDEAL1: 01-06-03 09-23-21 AM (mm-dd-yy)
> IDEAL2: 2003-01-06 09-23-21 AM (yyyy-mm-dd)
I keep forgetting to optimize this handler:
set ideal1 to DateToString( "mm-dd-yy hh-MM-ss ?m", current date )
set ideal2 to DateToString( "yyyy-mm-dd hh-MM-ss ?m", current date )
Hmm, I've got a simpler (faster) format-date handler, which cannot
give you names of months or days, but it's pretty fast, just doing a
bunch of replaces, basically. Mine also does not have an escape
character. I did add Arthur's idea of an am/pm option, as well as
trying to coerce the date parameter to date, if possible, or if not,
just using the current date:
dateAsCustomString("12/25/2002 1:30 PM", "YYYY MM DD hh mm ss ap")
--> "2002 12 25 01 30 00 pm"
dateAsCustomString("1/6/2003 9:23:21 AM", "YYYY-MM-DD hh-mm-ss AP")
--> "2003-01-06 09-23-21 AM"
on dateAsCustomString(incomingDate, stringFormat)
-- version 1.2, Daniel A. Shockley
-- 1.2 added am/pm option, and date class checking
-- with a nod to Arthur J. Knapp
-- NEEDS getMonthNum(), simpleReplace()
-- takes any form of MM, DD, YYYY, YY
-- AND any form of hh, mm, ss
-- (optional ap or AP, which gives am/pm or AM/PM)
-- MUST USE LOWER-CASE for TIME!!!! (avoids month/minute conflict)
-- use single letters to not force 2 digits
-- textVars are each always 2 digits, whereas month and day
-- may be 1 digit, and year will normally be 4 digit
if class of incomingDate is not date then
set incomingDate to date incomingDate
on error
set incomingDate to (current date)
end try
end if
set numHours to (time of incomingDate) div hours
set textHours to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numHours as string))
set numMinutes to (time of incomingDate) mod hours div minutes
set textMinutes to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numMinutes as string))
set numSeconds to (time of incomingDate) mod minutes
set textSeconds to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numSeconds as string))
set numDay to day of incomingDate as number
set textDay to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numDay as string))
set numYear to year of incomingDate as number
set textYear to text -2 through -1 of (numYear as string)
-- Emmanuel Levy's Plain Vanilla get month number function
copy incomingDate to b
set the month of b to January
set numMonth to (1 + (incomingDate - b + 1314864) div 2629728)
set textMonth to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numMonth as string))
set customDateString to stringFormat
if numHours > 12 and (customDateString contains "ap" or
customDateString contains "AP") then
-- (afternoon) and requested am/pm
set numHours to numHours - 12 -- pull off the military 12 hours for pm hours
set textHours to text -2 through -1 of ("0" & (numHours as string))
end if
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "MM", textMonth)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "DD", textDay)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "YYYY",
numYear as string)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "hh", textHours)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "mm", textMinutes)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "ss", textSeconds)
-- shorter options
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "M", numMonth)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "D", numDay)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "YY", textYear)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "h", numHours)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "m", numMinutes)
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "s", numSeconds)
-- AM/PM MUST be after Minutes/Month done, since it adds an M
if (time of incomingDate) > (12 * hours) then
-- afternoon
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "ap", "pm")
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "AP", "PM")
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "ap", "am")
set customDateString to simpleReplace(customDateString, "AP", "AM")
end if
return customDateString
end dateAsCustomString
on simpleReplace(thisText, oldChars, newChars)
-- version 1.1
-- 1.1 coerces the newChars to a STRING, since other data types do
not always coerce
-- (example, replacing "nine" with 9 as number replaces with "")
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the oldChars
set the parsedList to every text item of thisText
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to the {(newChars as string)}
set the newText to the parsedList as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
return newText
end simpleReplace
Daniel A. Shockley
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