Re: AppleScript --> HTML
Re: AppleScript --> HTML
- Subject: Re: AppleScript --> HTML
- From: Jean-Baptiste LE STANG <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 25 Jul 2003 14:11:57 +0200
You can read the formating from cat
You can also use the command ASFormat that comes with the script editor
@+ jb
The following will create a CSS for Applescript, you must use Smile to
get the result. the RBG2HTML(RGB_values) comes from Apple. but it would
ot be very difficult to parse the .plist so that you can use SD or SE
set theStyleList to {}
set theStyleName to {"uncompiled", "normal", "lang_keyword",
"app_keyword", "comment", "literal", "user_symbol", "reference"}
repeat with x from 1 to 8
set end of theStyleList to ASFormat x
end repeat
set theCSS to ""
repeat with x from 1 to 8
set theCSS to theCSS & "." & item x of theStyleName & return & "{" &
return & "font-family:" & font of item x of theStyleList & ";" & return
& "font-size:" & text size of item x of theStyleList & "px;" & return &
"font-color:" & RBG2HTML(color of item x of theStyleList) & ";" & return
if italic is in style of item x of theStyleList then set theCSS to
theCSS & "font-style: italic;" & return
if bold is in style of item x of theStyleList then set theCSS to
theCSS & "font-weight: bold;" & return
set theCSS to theCSS & "}" & return
end repeat
on RBG2HTML(RGB_values)
-- NOTE: this sub-routine expects the RBG values to be from 0 to 65536
set the hex_list to ,
{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", ,
"9", "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"}
set the the hex_value to ""
repeat with i from 1 to the count of the RGB_values
set this_value to (item i of the RGB_values) div 256
if this_value is 256 then set this_value to 255
set x to item ((this_value div 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set y to item (((this_value / 16 mod 1) * 16) + 1) of the hex_list
set the hex_value to (the hex_value & x & y) as string
end repeat
return ("#" & the hex_value) as string
tell application "Finder" to set theFile to (make new file at desktop
with properties {name:"applescript_css.html"}) as alias
open for access theFile with write permission
write theCSS to theFile
close access theFile
Le vendredi, 25 jul 2003, ` 13:36 Europe/Paris, Nigel Smith a icrit :
On 25/7/03 0:44, "John Delacour" <email@hidden> wrote:
If you're using Script Editor 2.0, you can get more style info than
you need and use this as a basis for your html.
get properties of words in paragraph 2 of document "Untitled"
It's a shame that the "style" of the words are based on attribute runs
"characteristics", and don't include "what" those words are --
application keyword, and so on.
I had hoped to use:
set formatList to ""
set fileRef to POSIX path of alias <nobreak>
((path to preferences as text) & "")
set formatList to every paragraph of (do shell script "cat " &
fileRef & " | sed -n <nobreak>
's/\\(<string>\\)\\(.*\\)\\(<\\/string>\\)/\\2/p' | cut -f3")
return formatList find the AppleScript formatting and match that to the attribute
properties, but that may prove difficult for a general script -- for
the font name/style is difficult to match. But for personal use I
guess you
could hard code those into a script.
So, pull out all the attribute runs, wrap them in HMTL/CSS tags
dependent on
what they are rather than what they look like, then write the HTML
Sound feasible?
(I had thought of saving/rewriting the formatting prefs, so as to
start from
a known format, but they wouldn't take immediate effect on a recompile.
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