FW: QXP and Anchored Text Boxes
FW: QXP and Anchored Text Boxes
- Subject: FW: QXP and Anchored Text Boxes
- From: "Grimm, Kenneth" <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 15 Sep 2003 20:52:47 -0400
To all:
I'm developing this script to search through the text and if it finds the
stock number, add an anchored picture box above the text.
It goes finds the first stock number (sometimes the second), inserts the
correct anchored picture and then will not find any more. No erros
reported, it just compeltes the script and never finds any other stock
Can you see something wrong I'm missing?
tell application "QuarkXPress(tm) 4.11"
tell document 1
repeat with stkNumberToCheck in {"256875", "184351", "218205"}
set myStockNumber to stkNumberToCheck as string
repeat with i from 1 to count of paragraphs
if paragraph i of story 1 contains myStockNumber then
make picture box at beginning with properties
{name:myStockNumber, bounds:{"0.0\"", "0.0\"", "0.5\"", "1.0\""}}
set tool mode to drag mode
select picture box myStockNumber
set tool mode to contents mode
set selection to insertion point before character 1 of
paragraph i of story 1
end if
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end tell
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