Re: Newbie with very simple question
Re: Newbie with very simple question
- Subject: Re: Newbie with very simple question
- From: jj <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 09:33:47 +0200
Hi all,
I used to use an Applescript to open a Filemaker database with a password
and it worked beautifully. The script was like this:
tell application "Filemaker Pro" to activate
delay 5
tell application "Filemaker Pro"
open file "HD:Databases:contacts.fp5" with passwords "XXXXXXXX"
end tell
Now with Filemaker v.7 It needs an Account Name and then needs a password. I
got it to input the name by using "set name to" but I can't figure out how
to jump to the next field in the dialog box and have the password put in
there. Please help. Thanks.
If you see the dictionary:
open : Open an object
open reference -- The object to open
[with passwords string] -- The password to use
[for Accounts string] -- The account name
So, syntax maybe something similar to:
open theDB with passwords "thePwd" for Accounts "theAccount"
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