Re: Photostitch dictionary...
Re: Photostitch dictionary...
- Subject: Re: Photostitch dictionary...
- From: Thierry Lavallée <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 14:27:16 -0400
Thanks all for your help.
I need filemaker to launch Photostitch, open a new photostitch 'document',
import a couple of images by path and bring it to the foreground.
The user mannually sorts the images, stitches them as one, saves, returns to
Filemaker to import the resulting image.
I would just like to give 5 paths to Photostitch for it to be ready with
them, rather than asking the user to gather them manually.
---> Roger Howard, 7/20/04 13:43 :
Tell me - if PhotoStitch was scriptable what would you want to do with
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