Re: sort error
Re: sort error
- Subject: Re: sort error
- From: Andrew Oliver <email@hidden>
- Date: Thu, 17 Jun 2004 09:10:30 -0700
If you look at the Finder's dictionary in Mac OS X you'll find:
sort: (NOT AVAILABLE YET) Return the specified object(s) in a sorted list
In other words, the Finder no longer knows how to sort things.
You'll need to find some other way of sorting your list. Either using an
OSAX, or rolling your own.
On 6/17/04 6:35 AM, "email@hidden" <email@hidden>
When I used "sort" in os 9, it worked, why doesn't it work in os X--and
more importantly, how do I fix it?
I'm guessing it doesn't work on lists of alias'. If so, how do I change
the dropped files to strings only?
on open theList
end open
on fileinput(theList)
tell application "Finder"
set theList to (sort theList by name)
repeat with thisimage in theList
--do something with the file from theList
end repeat
end tell
end fileinput
--error from script debugger:
(* Finder got an error: {alias "C:Users:dstevens:Desktop:1.pdf", alias
"C:Users:dstevens:Desktop:3.pdf", alias
"C:Users:dstevens:Desktop:2.PDF", alias
"C:Users:dstevens:Desktop:0.pdf"} doesn't understand the sort message.
--All "alias" are highlighted blue.
David Stevens
Carr Printing Co.
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