Re: Make Finder files invisible, SOLVED
Re: Make Finder files invisible, SOLVED
- Subject: Re: Make Finder files invisible, SOLVED
- From: Ronald Hofmann <email@hidden>
- Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 14:56:02 +0200
putting a period (".") in front of the name did it. Thanks a lot.
Am 21.06.2004 um 11:16 schrieb Simon Forster:
Just set the name of the file to begin with a period (".").
Simon Forster
LDML Ltd, 62 Pall Mall, London, SW1Y 5HZ, UK
Tel: +44 (0)70 9230 5244 Fax: +44 (0)70 9230 5247
On 21 Jun 2004, at 09:57, Nathan Day wrote:
If you have the devel tools installed then you can set the invisible
flag, with the command line app SetFile, also I think you can also in
unix set files invisible by adding them to some file called something
like .invisible
On Monday, June 21, 2004, at 06:48PM, Martin Orpen
<email@hidden> wrote:
on 21/6/04 8:18 am, Ronald Hofmann at email@hidden wrote:
Good morning.
I'm trying to make a file invisible by this:
tell application "Finder"
set theItem to choose file
set the visible of theItem to false
end tell
After execution I get an error: Finder has got an error: visible
alias \"MacOSX:Users:ronny:Desktop: Read Me\" cannot be set to
What am I doing wron?
Don't think you can set the "visible" of a file.
This is a an *alternative* to make them invisible/visible (for OS X):
tell application "Finder"
set x to choose file with prompt "choose a file"
set y to name of x
if item 1 of y is not "." then
set name of x to "." & y
set y to items 2 thru (count of items in y) of y as text
set name of x to y
end if
end tell
Martin Orpen
Idea Digital Imaging Ltd -- The Image Specialists
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