RE: multi-dimensional arrays (new to AS)
RE: multi-dimensional arrays (new to AS)
- Subject: RE: multi-dimensional arrays (new to AS)
- From: "Sprague, Graham" <email@hidden>
- Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 12:01:37 -0400
Hey Jeff,
You seem pretty knowledgable when it comes to lists and records. I have a
question for you.
Is it possible to access a Key:value pair from a record when the key is
stored in a variable.
for example this causes an error but may illustrate what I'm attempting to
set theRecord to {mike: 1, jill: 10, sue: 3, paul: 20}
set keyToSearchFor to "mike"
set valueForKey to keyToSearchFor of theRecord-- Does not work gives error
"cant get keyToSearchFor of {mike: 1, jill: 10, sue: 3, paul: 20}"
Seems like it's not accepting the variable contents, in this case "mike"
and is attempting to use the variable name, in this case "keyToSearchFor" as
the key.
Any help would be great.
From: Graff
Sent: Tuesday, April 20, 2004 9:45 PM
To: Jeff Hartman
Cc: Applescript List
Subject: Re: multi-dimensional arrays (new to AS)
On Apr 20, 2004, at 2:28 PM, Jeff Hartman wrote:
> Bear with me as I am pretty new to applescript. Sorry for terminology
> if not
> correct.
> I have a list containing server volumes. Each server item in the list
> contains a list of connection strings. Trying to fit into a Window
> environment here...
> So:
> set theList to {server1:{ipaddress:"x.x.x.x",path:"blah"}, server2:{
> ....
That isn't an array or a list, it is a record. A record is a series of
key-value pairs, a list is a series of values. You can't iterate
through a record, you need to access each value by supplying the key
that the value is attached to.
For example, this is a list:
set theList to {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
You would access each item in the list in several ways. One way is
direct access:
set theValue to item 1 of theList
Another is through a repeat statement:
set sum to 0
repeat with theValue in theList
set sum to sum + theValue
end repeat
You could also do this the long way:
set sum to 0
repeat with i from 1 to length of theList
set sum to sum + item i of theList
end repeat
Both repeats are roughly equal, the first one is a shortcut for
iterating through a list.
This is a record:
set theRecord to {mike: 1, jill: 10, sue: 3, paul: 20}
A record has a key, followed by a colon (:), followed by the value.
Each key-value pair is separated from the next pair by a comma. Values
can be of any type of variable possible in AppleScript
You can have lists of lists, records of lists, lists of records, etc.
Basically you are just storing one set of objects inside another. For
set listList to {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 6, 8}}
You'll notice that the objects don't even have to be the same type or
of the same length:
set anotherList to {1, {2 , 4, 6}, {3, 5}, "boo"}
In order to get the value of any item in the record you need to get it
set theRecord to {mike: 1, jill: 10, sue: 3, paul: 20}
set theValue to mike of theRecord
--> 1
(1 is the value stored in theValue)
To sum up all the values you need to get each one individually:
set sum to 0
set sum to sum + mike of theRecord
set sum to sum + jill of theRecord
set sum to sum + sue of theRecord
set sum to sum + paul of theRecord
You can also coerce a record into a list. This will lose all of the
keys and will copy only the values into a list:
set theList to theRecord as list
--->{1, 10, 3, 20}
(this is what is stored in theList)
Then you can sum them up:
set theRecord to {mike: 1, jill: 10, sue: 3, paul: 20}
set theList to theRecord as list
set sum to 0
repeat with theValue in theList
set sum to sum + theValue
end repeat
To iterate through a list of lists you would do a nested loop:
set listList to {{1, 2, 3}, {1, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 6, 8}}
set sum to 0
repeat with aList in listList
repeat with theValue in aList
set sum to sum + theValue
end repeat
end repeat
> set theList to {server1:{ipaddress:"x.x.x.x",path:"blah"}, server2:{
> ....
> what I want to do is walk the array (repeat with?) and connect to each
> server using the list of connection strings:
> mount volume smb://domain;uid:password@ipaddress/path
> Each connection must be dropped before connecting to the next.
> I wondering how I can walk the arrays.
Coming back to your example:
set theStructure to {server1:{ipaddress:"x.x.x.x", path:"foo"},
server2:{ipaddress:"y.y.y.y", path:"bar"}}
This is a record of records. I'm assuming that the actual key of each
server (the names server1, server2, etc.) doesn't matter so we can just
throw it away and create a list of records:
set theList to theStructure as list
-->{{ipaddress:"x.x.x.x", path:"foo"}, {ipaddress:"y.y.y.y",
Now since the interior records are the same between each item we can
iterate through the items and use each record (I included all of the
lines of the example here):
set theStructure to {server1:{ipaddress:"x.x.x.x", path:"foo"},
server2:{ipaddress:"y.y.y.y", path:"bar"}}
set theList to theStructure as list
repeat with aServer in theList
set theAddress to ipaddress of aServer
set thePath to path of aServer
mount volume "smp://domain;uid:password@" & theAddress & thePath
-- do other stuff here
end repeat
And that's the whole tutorial! :-)
- Ken
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