Re: Styled Text doesn't work :(
Re: Styled Text doesn't work :(
- Subject: Re: Styled Text doesn't work :(
- From: Emmanuel <email@hidden>
- Date: Fri, 20 May 2005 02:53:02 +0200
At 7:12 PM +0200 5/19/05, Clem'Sail wrote:
i've make this little script to test because i want edit styled text
for an email.
But AppleScript not remeber style of text
in this script the file app05.rtf containt 3 line and the first as in bold
but when it create the new doc with text, nothing style are present !
Ps: Sorry for my english but i'm french and i never learn english at school.
Script :
tell application "TextEdit"
open ":Volumes:HD:app05.rtf"
set APP05 to text of document "app05.rtf" as styled text
set docRef to (make new document at beginning with properties
{text:APP05 as styled text})
end tell
I think this would work in Smile. Download and install Smile, you can
use it as your alternate scriptable Text Editor, and it's free. The
syntax would be:
tell app "Smile"
set w to open (alias blah blah)
set x to text of w as styled text
set ww to make new text window
set text of ww to x
end tell
The cool authors of Smile.
Version Français (since you say you're not fluent in English)
Je pense à ceci marche dans Smile. Télécharge et installer Smile, tu
peut utilise lui comme le différent Text Editor "scriptable", et il
est gratuit. La syntaxe sera: (etc.)
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