Hi, all —On Sep 28, 2005, at 10:02 AM, Jon Pugh wrote: In their vein of throwing gasoline on a fire, I'll present a critique of something we've all struggled with for years. Terminology conflicts.
Clearly, conflicts such as those mentioned in can be detected programmatically.
My take on the fuss is simply that there needs to be a language czar who ensures that terminology conflicts are fixed. I nominate Script Editor as the authority charged with identifying such terminology conflicts.To me, it seems reasonable to expect Script Editor to warn us of conflicts, especially at "Compile" time. Am I wrong?
Conflict warnings from Script Editor might permit us all to: • avoid stepping in them, in the first place (instant progress!) • identify the guilty authors (who were, probably, blissfully ignorant); and • harangue them in a distributed, scalable way. A Netiquette-compliant, distributed, scalable, way of course...
The harangued authors--and authors wishing to avoid conflicts--could then take advantage of Doug's suggestion: Also, on Sep 28, 2005, at 1:01 PM, Doug McNutt wrote: A simple improvement to AppleScript which would eliminate a whole lot of these problems is to make it easy to discover - in a dictionary from within Apple's script editor with no 3rd party stuff required - the actual event codes defined by applications and their definitions using those forbidden terms like "class", "property", "inherits", "method", and the like.
All best Don |