On 07/dic/06, at 13:21, David Bradley wrote: Hi,
I working with multiple group boxes on one page in Quark but I am having problems when I try to unselect them.
It looks like Quark is not unselecting the grouped boxes previous and then grouping them to the next series of boxes.
What is the proper syntax for unselecting grouped boxes? I have tried the following:
set selected of group box 1 to false set selection to null (however this one I have found will only work outside of 'tell page 1')
Any hints would be great
HiĀ David,
Actually it seems is only a display problem: object on the page appear selected, but they are not. just zooming the page view solve the problemā¦
tell application "QuarkXPress Passport" -- SET UNITS TO MM activate tell document 1 set current_page to 1 tell page current_page set V_OFFSET to 0 repeat with i from 1 to 3 set mybox to make new picture box at beginning with properties {bounds:{V_OFFSET, 0, 20 + V_OFFSET, 100}} set myTbox to make new text box at beginning with properties {bounds:{20 + V_OFFSET, 0, 30 + V_OFFSET, 100}}
set selected of mybox to true set selected of myTbox to true
set grouped of group box 1 to true set selected of group box 1 to false
set V_OFFSET to V_OFFSET + 40
end repeat end tell set view scale to thumbnails set view scale to fit page in window
end tell end tell