Hey all,
I had a question from an associate who wanted to have a random desktop picture, but not on a timed change.
So I wrote the following script for him
tell application "Finder" set desktop picture to (some file of (path to desktop pictures folder)) end tell
Sounds simple enough, and it does promptly change the desktop picture.
When he reboots, though, the desktop picture returns to what it was before he executed the change.
I gave him a workaround with writing and reading via shell command "defaults" to a file, and then resetting the desktop picture in a login script, but it is very slow during the login process.
It's not a huge deal, but does anyone know 1) what is caching the desktop picture from before and 2) A better way to set the desktop picture so that it has the same behavior it has when set from the Preference Pane? (I know that I can script the Preference Pane but I'd rather use the language)
Thanks Sincerely,
R. Harold Holbrook Jr., M.D. |