William, here's a more complete pure appleScript version that might have some value.
First, your data sample looks pretty ugly, but, when dealing with editorial content, that happens sometimes.
This version only finds 10 digit ISBN formatted numbers.
One nice thing about using pure appleScript is it would be pretty simple to insert a dialog whenever you come across a suspicious number.
For example, a if you don't have any Russian books in your catalog and your script finds an ISBN number with a code for Russian, you could easily display the number with a few words on either side of it for the user to confirm. From inside InDesign, you could even script a jump to the page and display the word in its context on the page.
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-" set OhMyWord to every text item of " ?here is some text with a valid ISBN in it: 0-07-294509-1, and also some gibbberish with a valid ISBN nestled within it: fsdfh123@8X452P340-07-294509-2zzzzzz999999. Now that?s bound to cause trouble.?01-7-294509-x 013-7-94509-X 0139-7-4509-9 013-794-509-8 ?here is some text with a valid ISBN in it: 0 -07-294509-7, and also some gibbberish with a valid ISBN nestled within it: fsdfh123@8X452P3401-7-294509-x0-07-294509-6zzzzzz999999. Now that?s bound to cause trouble.?01-7-294509-4 013-7-94509-3 0139-3-4509-2 013-794-509-1"
set x to 2 set foundNumbers to {} repeat set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "" repeat set pubCode to item x of OhMyWord if numberTest(pubCode) then set pubCode to pubCode as string set pubCodeLength to the count of pubCode if pubCodeLength > 7 then exit repeat else exit repeat end if set itemNumber to (item (x + 1) of OhMyWord) if numberTest(itemNumber) then set itemNumberLength to the count of itemNumber if itemNumberLength > 7 then exit repeat else exit repeat end if set checkSum to character 1 of (item (x + 2) of OhMyWord) as string if checkSum is not in "1234567890xX" then exit repeat set groupIdLength to 9 - (itemNumberLength + pubCodeLength) set groupId to item (x - 1) of OhMyWord set firstSize to the count of groupId if firstSize < groupIdLength then exit repeat if firstSize > groupIdLength then set startChar to (groupIdLength) set groupId to (items -startChar thru -1 of groupId) as string end if if numberTest(groupId) then set AppleScript's text item delimiters to "-" set the end of foundNumbers to {groupId, pubCode, itemNumber, checkSum} as string set x to x + 2 exit repeat else exit repeat end if end repeat set x to x + 1 if x > the ((count of OhMyWord) - 2) then exit repeat end repeat return foundNumbers
on numberTest(stringToTest) try stringToTest as real return true on error return false end try end numberTest