Hey all,
i'm writing a synchronization app between a SQLite database from a mobile
phone and Address Book.
if i understand well AddressBook the modification date is read only because
whn i want to change it i get an "NSInternalError".
then a workaround would be using "custom date" as a synchronization date and
i've tried :
*tell* application "Address Book"
*set* thePeople *to* *every* person *whose* last name = "Libelulle"
*if* (count *of* thePeople) = 1 *then*
*set* thePerson *to* *first* item *of* thePeople
*set* custom date *of* thePerson *to* current date
*set* cDate *to* custom date *of* thePerson
*end* *if*
*end* *tell*
where i get back {} and not current date. The "{}" seems to indicate "custom
date" is a list ???
then, how to set a custom date ?