Trying to build a handler to parse an array of data. I get;
"The variable atomValue is not defined."
here is the strange part, just before the hand back, there is data in atomValue.
Snip of the code;
end repeat
log "atomValue before return" & atomValue
log class of atomValue
return atomValue as string
end SetAtom
Sample of the log (note the Handler is called successfully many times, and only the last is an error);
(*start of loopAtom "purd" contains: 1904-01-01 00:00:00*)
(*atomValue set to 5th word--01-01 00:00:00*)
(*atomValue before return 01-01 00:00:00 *)
(*atomValue set to 5th word--*)
(*atomValue before return *)
(*atomValue set to 5th word--*)
(*atomValue before return *)
"The variable atomValue is not defined."
Kevin Cossaboon.