On Jan 29, 2007, at 15:30, kai wrote:
I'm trying to fetch the title from PowerPoint 2004 slide. It seems that there is no direct way to access the title, and you actually have to search through the shapes for a one of the title placeholders types, and get the text from its text frame. This search become slow if the slide contain many shapes.
I wonder if anyone can come up with an easier and faster way to fetch the title?
IIRC, a slide's title (if it has one) is contained by the first placeholder in its placeholders list, Nir.
I wish this was true :-)
The order of the shapes is the z order of the shapes on the slides. For example:
1. Create new slide
2. Set the title
3. Add few text boxes
"shapes of slide" will show that the title is first as you say, but:
1. Select the title box
2. Choose "Send to Ftont"
"shapes of slide" will show that the title is last.
Additionally, "shapes of slide" and "place holders of slide" give the same list with all the shapes.
set currentSlide to slide of view of active window
I forgot to mention that I need to get the title while the presentation is running - so this does not work. During a slide show, there is no view of the active window.