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Hi Dave,
This creates the list and copies it to the clipboard. The list can then be pasted into a text editor.
display dialog "Enter the search string" default answer "" buttons {"Cancel", "OK"} default button {"OK"} set theSearchString to text returned of result
if theSearchString = "" then display dialog "No search criteria entered!" with icon caution return end if
tell application "Finder" to set theFileList to (files of entire contents of (choose folder) whose name contains theSearchString) as alias list
set oldDelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {return} set the clipboard to theFileList as text set AppleScript's text item delimiters to oldDelims
display dialog "The file List has been copied to Clipboard." & return & return & "Simply paste it into a text editor."
On 9 Jul 2007, at 15:18, Mark J. Reed wrote: On 7/9/07, David Bradley <email@hidden> wrote: I've just realised that I meant to ask for help on search on filenames that contain a particular string.
Oh. Well that's a much simpler problem.
set startFolder to (choose folder with prompt "Select folder to search in") set fileNameList to paragraphs of (do shell script "cd " & (quoted form of POSIX path of startFolder) & " && ls -1 l325010[a-z]")
(The ls call isn't really necessary; the shell does all the work of finding the filenames and just tells ls to list their names, but that gets the newline after each one so that "paragraphs of" will work.)
Now, in this case you have a simpler AppleScript-only option, assuming you don't have filenames that start with l325010 but have something other than a-z after them. I'm not at a Mac where I can test this, so the syntax might be off, but something like this should work:
set fileNameList to every file of startFolder whose name starts with "l325010"
Might have to do it in a Finder tell block.
-- Mark J. Reed < email@hidden>
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