On 2007-06-03, at 01:11:46, KOENIG Yvan wrote:
Just see what happens when Acme-Sales-2007-05.html already exists. Kinda short on time for today but I'll see about a solution for tomorrow.
Can't you test if the html file already exists? If it does, rename it something like Acme-Sales-2007-05-old.html
What a mess. All this because TE can't handle 'save' properly.
on TESaveAs(theKind, theTitle, theExtension) set p to "" tell application "TextEdit" activate if exists (path of document 1) then set p to (do shell script "dirname " & path of document 1) & "/" & theTitle & "." & theExtension end if end tell if (p is not "") then set f to POSIX file p tell application "Finder" if exists f then delete f end tell end if tell application "System Events" to tell application process "TextEdit" to tell window 1 keystroke "s" using {command down, shift down} repeat until (sheet 1 exists) delay 0.2 end repeat tell sheet 1 set value of text field 1 to theTitle tell group 1 to tell pop up button 1 click repeat until (menu 1 exists) delay 0.2 end repeat click menu item theKind of menu 1 repeat while (menu 1 exists) delay 0.2 end repeat end tell click button "Save" end tell end tell end TESaveAs TESaveAs("HTML", "Acme-Sales-2007-05", "html")