Howdy scripters, I'm hoping someone here can lead me to a solution of sorts. What I'm trying to do is something along the lines of this....
try with timeout of x seconds -- meat & potatoes end timeout on error errMsg number errNUm -- was hoping to catch any errors or the time out here for -- log writing purposes end try
While I was attempting to get there though I was testing timeout and realized this doesn't work
set x to 0 with timeout of 1 second repeat with i from 1 to 10000000 set x to x + 1 end repeat end timeout
because timeout apparently doesn't work with multiple statements :( Fine. I can, for the most part, work around that. So I tried this instead
with timeout of 1 second mount volume "<protocol>://<user>:<pass>@<ip>/<share>" end timeout
Well my server (a sad, tired, overworked beast for testing) usually takes about 5 seconds to wake up so I thought I could come up with a good test… Well the timeout never triggered and eventually my share mounted.
So any idea why timeout isn't working? Any ideas how I can get to my original goal?
Thanks in advance and happy scripting!
James Nierodzik
17" MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.4.9) Scripts written with Script Debugger 4 / PreFab UI Browser